Thursday, September 02, 2004

The Reality

I realized something today, I'm officially a housewife. A 25 year old stay at home mom.

People, here I mean people with no kids or people who did not help raise their kids, often don't associate being a stay at home mom with work. And even I, until after Payton was born figured I'd have lots of time on my hands. I figured I'd have time to keep up on all the housework, have dinner ready when Rod got home, and even be able to catch up on all my unfinished projects. Insert laughter here....

Reality check, Payton is a full time job. Correction, Payton is 3 full time jobs. My time is dictated solely by her. I have been told that it gets better, eventually she will sleep more, eventually she will eat less frequently, eventually she will cry less, eventually she won't want to be on my lap every waking moment. I know she can't help it, after all she is a baby, and I know she did not ask to be born.

I had a moment the other night at 2am when Payton was screaming and I hadn't slept yet, during this moment a question formed in my mind:

Why doesn't anyone warn you?? I mean really warn you...

When you tell people your expecting they got so excited and happy for you, nobody says "Oh I'm so sorry....." Essentially it's false advertising. I guess at that point there's no need to scare the expectant parents more than they already are.

And just as a footnote, even knowing what I know now and experiencing what I have. I would still have had her. I love her that much. I just would have gotten myself more prepared, physically, mentally, emotionally and then I would have bought more diapers.


Susan Kirchmayer said...

welcome to motherhood. its wonderful and scary and frustrating all at the same time......