Tuesday, February 22, 2005

I found a very cool website

You can find out the popularity of a name over time on a graph. Just type in the name and it pops up, it's really fun!! You can see names that were popular in 1900-2003, and how it changes. It also gives you the rank of the 1000 top names.

Unfortunatly it's U.S. statistics but it still gives you a good idea of our name trends.

Click here to try it.


Miss-buggy said...

That is a cool site avtually. It was fun.

Jenn said...

it was fun...turns out i've picked popular names for my kids......oh well. I soppose there is no name more popular than "Jennifer" at least in the '70's when I was born. In highschool there were 5 Jennifers in our group of friends!! One of my closest friend's name is....you guessed it 'Jennifer'! (by the way....it's a good name mom :))