Tuesday, March 29, 2005

It's a mom thing

I have discovered since having a baby that I am the hugest worrywort. Every sneeze or sniffle I worry about her getting really sick. Is this normal, is that normal, is she progressing normally...ect ect ect. Does this obsessive over protective thing get any better??


liz said...

Yes it will get better, you will always worry some, you're a mother, but it's get easier than when they are babies. If you would have told me when matthew was a baby I would let him go to costa rica when he was just 10 I wouldn't have believed you. When he was a baby I wouldn't let anyone take him their car if I wasn't with them it was pretty bad. So yes, it gets better you learn to let go a little, but they will always be your baby.

Shannon George said...

no i'm 23 and my mom still worries...

Kaylyn said...

yeah it is something that will not ever go away..mothery instinct..you've had it since u prego...you even still and protect me...lol...what would I do with out you?...love you!

lori said...

it only gets better when i drink cider.

lori said...

it only gets better when i drink cider.

lori said...

ok, i've said it twice now for emphasis. stupid blogger!