Sunday, March 27, 2005

To all Mom's

What are your experiences with teething?? Payton started feeling not herself Weds. I thought she had a bit of a cold until someone said that sometimes when they are teething they show slight cold symptoms. So I've watching her closely but I'm still not sure. She's grumpy and irritable, cuddly, and not as active as usual. She's been refusing her solids for 3 days now(she has never done that since starting solids) but will take liquids. She's been eating less at a time but more frequently. She has been grabbing at her mouth like it's sore and chewing on her fingers, but her nose is congested like a cold?? I just don't know what is normal for teething?? If it is teething how long does this last?? She is going to drive me nuts!!


Kaylyn said...

Every childs teething stage is different. It sounds like she is teething. When Brayden started to cut his last 2 teeth he lost intreset in solids. And his whole intake decreased. It is normal for babes to not want to eat alot. Doctors compare the pain to an adult tooth ache..or having your teeth pulled. Either way, it is hard to watch them be in pain. And not having them be able to tell you what is wrong, makes it worse on you. Payton will be back to herself in no time!!

pS...I have been a Desperate Housewives fan since it started!! the show

cari said...

sounds like teething.....

lasts until they are 10 and the last one falls out! Ask liz about the drama with teeth in her house!

Ps. Timmy's Junction 9am

Michelle said...

10 years hey...that's encouraging..

darn, no car, I could use a coffee