Friday, April 08, 2005

Getting Older

So I have a birthday coming up and I havn't decided if I want to do something to celebrate, and if I do then what?? Any suggestions?


Kaylyn said...

A girls night out? Or a big group gathering at your favorite resturant. A quiet get together at your place. Dinner for you and Rod, while Shayne and I watch Payton(you could even go to the movies too). Just a few

PS...I know what I am getting you...gonna go and get it this week

liz said...

hair coloring party...

Miss-buggy said...

hair coloring!! That would be fun. I can bring the smore's!! but I probalby shouldn't opperate it!!
Or a camp out! or is that just me?

Michelle said...

So I'm actually debating having a colouring party. The debate being I will if I get my hair done(as that's part of the fun). I just want to go back to my natural colour, we shouldn't mess that up should we? A bunch of girls, munchies, a glass of wine(or whatever you fancy), could be alot of fun without having to be a big ordeal(I've decided I'm just not into a big production this year). Anyone have any suggestions as to where we could have our "party"?

Kaylyn said...

You could have the party at my house..there is alot of clean up for the birthday girl :p
There is also 2 tubs and one kitchen sink to rinse out the hair colour!!! Just let me know if this works for ya!

Mandy said...

Count me in... my roots are all grey :(

Miss-buggy said...

I have been debating on going back to my natural too. But it stopped growing and the roots look a little funny. and then I catch they greys every so often

rodbotic said...

would that make it a streaking party?