Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Oh dear

My stomach is mad at me. After both checking the date and smelling my cream before adding it to my coffee earlier, I declared it safe for consumption. After pouring my third cup I added the cream and stared at it in confusion....Why is there chunks in my coffee?? I double checked the date, which was the 11th(yes of may), and smelled it again. Still seemed fine, so I opened it a little further and looked fully in. To my horror I found my cream was chunky around the entire edge of the container. I guess when I poured it earlier I just got the smooth stuff, the chucks stayed safely attached to the wall of the container. I thought to myself, uh-oh I'm going to pay for that later, and indeed, I'm hurting. So as a warning to all cream drinkers, I have discovered that spoiled cream can look and taste fine, do not be fooled. From now on any cream I drink will be inspected closely under a bright light.



Kaylyn said...

hope you feel better soon!! Love ya

lori said...

when i was a teenager, a guy named bob ball, (whose father incidently was named harry ball) grabbed a carton of milk from a fridge and slugged it back straight up. we all heard the curdled milk hit the end of the carton as the remaining juice slopped into his mouth. it was unbelievably funny to see, horrendous to experience,

i feel for you...