Friday, May 13, 2005

Payton...Destroyer of sleep......

Strikes again....

The good news is I can feel the tooth coming through so it ****shouldn't**** be to much longer till we're back to normal. In the meantime she's been up almost every hour and for good at 4am. I'm crazy tired and poor Rod has to go work in a couple hours. I got up with Payton in hopes he can steal a few more zzzzz's. I don't want him operating any type of machine too tired!!! I'm not quite ready to make coffee in hopes that she'll go back down for a bit. Maybe I'm delusional but for the moment I like it that way. How can I accomplish anything if I can't keep my eyes open?

On another note, I just noticed my jammies are inside out.....

7:00: I swear, I'm going to lose it, I'm going to go insane. Or maybe the problem is that I already have....


shari said...


lori said...

sedate the child heavily and get yourself a mickey of lemon gin... or take my advice from last week and start growing that cash crop we discussed...

(still wanna to come our study in the fall!)

Shannon George said...

or was that sedate yourself, and give the child a mickey of gin... i always get them confused....

Kaylyn said...

Poor chel!!!