Tuesday, June 28, 2005

I can't imagine

There's a parenting message board I visit where all the babies are all about the same age as Payton(they were all due in July or Aug). I started visiting when I was pregnant but had to stop because everything that was happening to others was freaking me out. I still go back and check in to see how all the other babies are doing. Yesterday there was a pole about how our babies get to sleep. I was amazed to find that over half of those parents still rock/nurse/sing ect their babies to sleep all the time and many more that do it sometimes. At a year!! Can you imagine?? I guess if your ok with that whatever works, but Payton got to heavy to rock to sleep forever ago!! There was only 20 something percent that put baby to bed awake and let them fall asleep on their own. WOW!!

UPDATE: I just wanted to add to this because upon re-reading it I feel like I'm coming across pretty harsh. I don't mean to imply that putting the baby to bed awake and letting them fall asleep on their own is the "right" way to do it. I didn't mean to judge anybody. Different things work for different people. We used to rock or nurse(or a combination of the 2) Payton to sleep when she was younger. She was to easily distracted by surroundings(not to mention heavy) at 3/4 months old that she refused to fall asleep in our arms anymore, no matter how much rocking or singing we did. I guess that it just feels like that was so long ago I couldn't imagine still doing it now. I failed to realize that this was reality for many parents and I apologize if I made anyone feel like I was attacking their parenting. That was definitely not my intent!!


Kaylyn said...

Wow that is amazing. Lately Brayden screams at the top of his lungs when getting put down for a nap. One of us will go in there and say everyting is ok. Then he'll go to sleep. Although I believe he is going through a growth spurt!!

Miss-buggy said...


Jenn said...

You know, I rocked/nursed Caleb to sleep till he was almost 2 and I am still nursing Gracie to sleep at night. After I had Mikail I was in such a hurry (and totally stressed out) to teach him to do things on his own. I've realized that time goes very quickly and eventually they learn to sleep on their own. They really do grow up so quickly. Honestly I wish I could have done many things differently with Mikail but those moments are gone now. I've been totally happy doing it this way not to mention way more relaxed. I don't think it's totally crazy. Anyways just my thoughts on it.

Michelle said...

Ok, now I'm totally paranoid that what I wrote wasn't what I ment. I just ment it would be so hard for me to still be rocking Payton to sleep, she's SO big now. I wouldn't mind nursing her to sleep still but she gets so distracted that hasn't worked forever(that's what I used to do). The pole just had those three grouped together so that's what I wrote. I'm totally sorry if I offended anyone. That so was not my intention. Crap, now I feel sick to my stomach. I guess I should be more careful of my wording.

Jenn said...

Hey Michelle....no worries!!! I have just loved the time I've spent with my babies. Like I said they grow so quick!!

shari said...

There is nothing wrong with your wording Michelle.
God designed each and every mother differently. Each child has the right mother. The child who needs to cuddled to sleep every night until he is two, has a mother who cuddles him to sleep every night.
Its different for everyone. I, myself believe in establishing a bedtime routine that enables the child to go to bed without having to be rocked, or nursed, etc. to sleep. I have been blessed with each of my babies, that they all responded to this, and could be put in their bed awake, and go sleep. (Not counting the first few months)
Look at you and Payton, some Mom's would not have been able to persevere through the hard times, with the lack of sleep, but you did. It was hard, but you did it. Payton has just the right Mommy to meet her needs. =)
Victoria has just the right Mommy, and Caleb has just the right Mommy... etc. etc. =)

Miss-buggy said...

you're pulling a me. Quit worrying!! LOVE YOU.

Kaylyn said...

you did not come across as attacking anyone...at least from point of view!!! no worries here