Monday, June 13, 2005

I posted this briefly yesterday. I didn't write it with the intent of sharing it with everyone, rather as a outlet to vent and let off some steam. I surprised myself when I hit publish and eventually my fear at having so much of myself exposed and vulnerable caused me to panic and remove it from view. Much against my own better judgment I feel compelled to re-post it, it's weighing heavily on me to let go of my fear, so here it goes. I hope.

I feel disheartened today. Disappointed at my own ability to grasp what God has put in front of me and run with it. He has been talking to me lately about where he wants me to be and what great things he has in store for me, somehow I'm still struggling. Struggling with life, with choices, with myself and my inability to be real. I have surrounded myself with a barrier meant to keep myself from hurt and have inadvertently found myself trapped in cage of my own making. Like a bird desperately wanting to fly but never moving beyond it's cage. I can see through my bars, reach out and touch freedom, hear it, even taste it but never able to grasp it tight enough to hang on. Sometimes I can get the door open and spread my wings, I can feel the joy and expectation of living free, only to find my wings have been clipped and I fall with a crash to a depth where escape feels impossible. I've lost myself in my fear, even I'm not sure who I am anymore. I feel like I'm wearing sunglasses all the time now, blocking the view of my soul, but masking reality. I've fought before and won but what if this time I just don't have the strength, the endurance, or the desire? I call out to God and he responds and I hear him with great joy, and for a moment, a minute, an hour I feel secure and I know everything is going to be ok, then when everything slips and I stumble and fall, sinking back into my chaos I am out of control and raging at myself for yet another failure. I can't help thinking if I want it bad enough, or had enough faith I wouldn't be here, in this place, again....still.


Sue said...

I read it the first time and was moved by what you shared, and humbled too, by your courage. Good to see that you are standing firm in that. You go girl!

Susan Kirchmayer said...

just know that i am praying for you. God has given you awesome gifts and He will give you the strength to use them....

Miss-buggy said...

When you fall with a crash we will be there to help you up. So will God. I love you so much and I am proud of you and your honesty. It is hard to be honest. It is harder to break out of these cages and remove the sunglasses but you are doing it baby step by baby step.
I think that you have an incredible amount of faith and you are where you are because this is how it is meant to be at this specific time. Hard, I know - it's hard for me too.
Someone once told me something that has always stuck within my heart and I am passing it to you.
"Just because you fail doesn't mean that you are a failure."
I read it the first time too and was very moved, still am the second time and the third. Just didn't know how to respond.
Hope I made sense.
Love you.
I will always be there for you and will always love you. You are the best sister a girl could have.

Kaylyn said...

You have been given gifts like no one else. God made you special. How and when you use them is there!! He will guide ya

shari said...

You have taken a huge step, by sharing your fear and vulnerability.
You are not alone, Michelle. Others feel that way too. Others are praying for you. God is in the midst of struggle. Ready, willing, and able to pick you up. Keep reaching for support. The biggest mistake I ever made in my life was to internalize those feelings and not let those who cared see my ick, or help me.
Love you, girl!!