Thursday, October 27, 2005

So tired

I wish I was one of those people who function well on small amounts of sleep. I seemed to do quite well for awhile, I guess survival mode kicked after having Payton. Not saying I wasn't exhausted but at the same time 4 hours in a row was a miracle, I felt refreshed. I hate complaining because I know others who are getting less sleep than me but oh my gosh, it's starting to get to me. I think it's worse because I know Payton CAN sleep through, she's done it before. She's been going through a very long poor sleeping spell again. She's had a cold and there always seems to be a new tooth on the way now so I can't blame her. I just hate it when I wake in the (early) morning to Payton crying and wanting to get up and I feel resentful. I can't stand myself when that happens. I love my daughter and wouldn't change having her for anything, it makes me feel like the worst mother in the world, being resentful of a one year old over sleep. Argh. I think I need to work on a what I'm thankful for list!!! And go to bed earlier!!