Friday, December 23, 2005

I wasn't going to blog today as I have so many other things to do. As Christmas draws closer I find myself dwelling on the things that really matter. I have the habit of worrying about how everything is going to work out when I just can't see an end. When in fact I have more than enough to be thankful for right now.

I am thankful for:

-My husband and best friend
-My beautiful, full of life daughter
-That I have a roof over my head and wonderful landlords who are also friends
-That I've never known what it means to be hungry
-That I have extended family that loves me
-That I have wonderful friends who are more like family than friends
-That I get to travel and visit relatives who seem so far away most days
-That God sent his one and only son to die for our sins
-That soon we get to celebrate the birth of our savior
-Good health

There are many more things but this list could get long and I might miss my plane!! So I am going to trust that God will continue to take care of me as he always has. That just because I can't see what's in store doesn't mean that he doesn't. Thank you Lord for sending you son for us, I am excited to help you celebrate his birthday in a couple day!! I hope that everyone has a wonderful Christmas season regardless of circumstances, remember that Christmas is not about the gifts and lights, it's about a little boy born many years ago as a savior for us. Merry Christmas!!


Miss-buggy said...

Merry Christmas.
Love you lots and lots