Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Same old same old

We'll my companies gone :( The visit was much to short and I'm very sad they are gone. We had a lot of fun and some great visiting. I'll post some pics...sometime. I think I've been saying I'll post pics all summer and haven't!! I guess life will settle back into the regular routine, only I'm not sure I like the old regular routine. Yesterday and today have been lazy days, a little bit catch up on the house stuff and a lot catch up on rest. I'm so beat.

So my house is in a semi-balance or order and I refuse to let it get out of control again. It still needs a lot of help(organization, and decoration) but it does not look like a slob lives here and that makes me happy. Well.....is not telling you about the state of our bedroom lieing? Ok I re-phrase, our house(as long as you don't open our bedroom door) that is. Gutting out and downsizing the bedroom will be a BIG BIG BIG job, which I'm not mentally prepared for yet, let me catch up on my sleep then we'll talk. I was tidying last night before bed, you know doing that few dishes and picking up the toys off the floor when Rod asked me "when are you going to stop?", poor man doesn't understand my new determination to not let it get out of control again. I let him know "when it's done" and subtly let him know if he swept then it would be done quicker. I think I may end up a little neat freakish when this place is organized but that will be born out of living in a self created mess and knowing how of control it makes me feel.

So Steph, guess what I'm doing this week?? I'm making a schedule, yup I'm going all out. I need to write down things that need to be done each day in order to keep up on everything and not have it be a big deal. As well as keeping on top of when I have extra kids, who needs picking up, and my own appointments. I think I need to do a menu plan as well but that overwhelms me so I think I better start slow!!

Anyways, speaking of dinner I better go figure out what we're eating tonight. Have a good night everyone.


steph said...

yeah for you! I was thinking as I was reading that part of your tiredness might be the disorder in your bedroom. It is hard to sleep with clutter around you...give it some thought. I will post my menu board soon. I had to make some changes .

shari said...

i have a menu planner on my fridge and this great calendar that allows space for each member of the family, so I can actually write down EVERYTHING. ((which is really hard for me because i despise living by lists and schedules but, alas, it is necessary for the sanity of all who live in our house))
It's amazing how dependant everyone becomes on the calendar. In the summer, I was lax and didnt really write much of anything on it and i was constantly being asked when I was going to start it up again. Guess what I did yesterday is the wonderful, blissful quiet of the morning with no kids (beside try to catch up on my friends blogs)... filled in my calendar. yup.. this is what my life has become... ack... its... ack... not...ack... so ... gag... bad....


Miss-buggy said...

so what is this calander thing? Hmmmm...something I need to get a start on while he is little?? Fill me in!!