Monday, October 02, 2006

Title, I can't think of a title.....

I can't believe it's Monday already. Where does the weekend go?

Friday I just relaxed with my hubby until I got a call to go on a late night coffee adventure. Sounds exciting doesn't it? Hehe...I was just happy to be able to be there.

Sat we cleaned house, no fun but necessary. Payton had a birthday party then friends we hadn't seen for a long time came over and we had a great visit, so much fun. We pulled out the game cube wiped the dust off it and played. We girls kicked some cockiness out of those smug boys, it was too fun.

Sun after church we went to visit Rod's Dad and Step Mom as they had just gotten back from their vacation. They were in London, Scotland, and Ireland, for a month. They had a good time but were glad to be home. We had a good visit, I love watching Payton interact with them. I am so thankful Payton has such awesome Grandparents.

Today I was so stinking tired. I've been tired again lately. Last night I couldn't sleep, I was so restless. And when I finally did sleep Payton was up as she had a restless night as well. ****Sigh**** We went for coffee this morning but between my fatigue and Payton's crankiness I don't think we were very good company! We'll have to try that again soon! Hopefully tonight is better.


liz said...

It was still good to have you there even though you werent' feeling great. Hope you feel better soon.

shari said...

ahhh, morning coffee with the girls. i miss that. i miss you guys!!!

Miss-buggy said...

Game cube!! sweet!!! I miss that! remember our nintendo nights?
Hope you got sleep last night. I am sure you are having quite a fun day

Susan Kirchmayer said...

hey michelle. how does your day look on thursday, say 12:30ish??? i thot i might come by and look at the stamps.

Michelle said...

I think that will be fine Susan. It's about time!!