Monday, February 05, 2007


10 sleeps to go....

Where oh where has my energy gone....oh where oh where can it be????

Still have nesting instincts just no energy to do anything about it. The last 3 or 4 days I've been wildly tired. I could sleep all day! Payton had a rough night but I can't blame her for my fatigue today, I think I would feel this way regardless. I'm refusing to let myself nap today as I have to catch up for this weekends lack of getting anything done. I think Payton is finally asleep, I'm hoping she has a good nap or she could be miserable this afternoon. Oh well. Off I go to empty my dishwasher and start a load of laundry.

Kaylyn posted another preggy photo of me here.


Lee said...

you have a dishwasher?!?
Lucky bum!

shari said...

you are such a gorgeous preggie!!!