Sunday, June 08, 2008

Dance Recital

I should be in bed but I really wanted to post some pictures from Pay's first Dance Recital. It was so much fun watching all the kids perform. When Pay was on she did so well and looked so cute I just wanted to shout out that she was mine! I'm so proud of her!

I was using Rod's new lens, it's a 50mm f1.4 . It's got a great wide open aperture which is awesome for low lighting situations. The downside is that this particular lens is completely manual, aperture, shutter speed, focus, everything! It's been a challenge to get back into manual, especially when shooting children. But I've been enjoying the challenge and am improving. These were all taken in a church with no flash, and dancing, twirling bodies! Even with the good lens I still had to have it set to 1/60th at iso 400. I am to tired to edit so they are as taken.

The song was Jolly Holiday from Mary Poppins. You know imagine Dick Van Dyke singing:

"t's a jolly 'oliday with Mary
No wonder that it's Mary that we love!"

Without further a due, I present to you my little Dancing Queen!


DJ said...

Yay Payton....Soooooo cute! Love their little outfits. I need to get Hannah into some dance or something next year! you better get back to packing! lol

Sue said...

So adorable.

Miss-buggy said...

I feel proud of her and she isn't even my blood! She is so sweet. Nice lens. I hated that I had to move so close though but I am used to zoom. No flash. Really is awesome.
So are you gonna be one of the mom's that makes her costume? I can SO see you doing that! I hope you got to keep her first costume.