Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Is it just me?

Looking back I've always been way to worried about what other people think. Worried people think I'm fat, mean, negative, messy, ugly, the list goes on and on. How did I get that way? Parents? Friends? Media? And how do I undo it?

I have gotten so good at telling people what they want to hear that sometimes I forget the truth. I'm not a bad person just one who thinks that if people knew what went through my head sometimes they would think that I was.

Anyways I will continue this sometime later as Rod is trying to put Payton to bed and the screams are causing brain freeze. I cannot think


Susan Kirchmayer said...

hey there. go for it - be who you really are. we'll love you inspite of all that stuff!!!! its called unconditional love. i need it too, we all do.

Miss-buggy said...

Isn't that the truth? Forgetting the truth and just telling people what they want to hear. The people who know you best will know that you are not telling them the real truth. Like Susanna said. Unconditional Love. We love you no matter what. Look what you put up with when you deal with me!!! I will never think you are a bad person. You are the best person I can ever have the privelage of associating with. I think that it is a little of all the things that you listed that help to influence us to worry about what other people think. WHen you figure out how to undo it would you let me know????!!!! ;-)

Miss-buggy said...

Isn't that the truth? Forgetting the truth and just telling people what they want to hear. The people who know you best will know that you are not telling them the real truth. Like Susanna said. Unconditional Love. We love you no matter what. Look what you put up with when you deal with me!!! I will never think you are a bad person. I think you are great the way you are and that you are the best person I can ever have the privelage of associating with. I think that it is a little of all the things that you listed that help to influence us to worry about what other people think. WHen you figure out how to undo it would you let me know????!!!! ;-)