Thursday, February 10, 2005

I am a man...

At least that's what they tell me..

Find out your gender here


Michelle said...

It was news to me, I wonder what Rod will think.....

Mandy said...

My suspicion was right... I'm a WOman... Hurrah! I guess if I was a man I would be the most horrifyingly flamming gay man alive...

liz said...

ya, it thought I was a man too.

lori said...

I'm a man too. This test is stupid. Only women do it anyhow!

Michelle said...

I did this same test years ago, it said I was a woman and was right on everyone I knew that took it. I went back just for fun and apperently it's lost it's steam!!

Kaylyn said...

I am a woman...too bad that I can not shock Shayne :(