Thursday, June 02, 2005

Fake it till you make it

Well, I still haven't found my motivation but today SOMETHING has to get done. So I'm going to fake it. I'm going to pretend that I LOVE cleaning my house. I'm going to crank the tunes and just go at it. Well that's the plan anyways, first I'm going to shower, that always makes me feel better.


Susan Kirchmayer said...

hmm... there's seems to a lot of 'housecleaning' issues going around on the blogs.....

Kaylyn said...

Same here...I am gonna fake and take lots of breaks!!

Michelle said...

Yes.... :( ....I have issues..... LOL

Nikki said...

OK, you've inspired me! I am a good faker! LOL So even if I just "pretend" to clean the house, something just might get done, right? :-)

shari said...

The louder the music, the easier it is to fake. =)