Sunday, October 23, 2005

One of those days

So today sucked. I woke up feeling yucky and that progressed into a migraine. I can't find my T3's so I took a couple gravol and some Tylenol in hopes that I would be able to sleep. It worked, I slept for hours and hours. By the time I regained consciousness my head was feeling bearable. Which is good but most of the day was gone. I have accomplished absolutely nothing. Today was my day to get stuff done around here, stuff that desperately needs doing. I think I am a bit of a control freak, when things are out of my control or just feel that way I feel so overwhelmed it's almost unbearable. I hope this week goes by smoothly so I can regain a semi-balance of control in my house. Yikes!!


Miss-buggy said...

I am glad that you are feeling somewhat bearable. Maybe it was God's way of giving you the rest you need.
I know the whole control thing. Too well on my part. But sometimes it just isn't meant to be the way that we think it should be.
Love you Chel. (((HUG)))