Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I'm tired of being so negative and pessamistic, that's not what I want to portray. I think I'm going to take a break.


Jenn said...

You're not being negative Michelle, you're just being honest about how you are feeling right now. I love the scripture you posted in your last post. Stay focused on where your help comes from. As soon as I get settled after the move Gracie and I will have you and Payton over for tea. We love you!

Miss-buggy said...

I agree with Jenn. You aren't being negative. It is where you are right now. We all need to vent and talk things out...

Sue said...

Happy birthday Michelle!

Susan Kirchmayer said...

you should move out here...

shari said...

Hope you had fun at your birthday party, Michelle. I enjoyed it. You looked great!!!