Thursday, September 14, 2006

My cat is MIA.

I haven't seen my Cat in 2 days!! His breakfast from yesterday(wed) is still in his dish. That is very unusual.

I worry because it was 2 days ago I heard coyotes out back(Which Payton tried to explain to me were Dogs not coyotes, "Woof Mommy woof"). Hmmmm.....


Susan Kirchmayer said...

didn't he go missing once before!

Sue said...

I was going to ask the same thing.

Michelle said...

Yeah, when he first started going outside he was gone for a week!! I had just decided he was gone for good and he showed up. Since then though he stuck around, was always here for breakfast and dinner, and often in between. The timing of hearing the coyotes is whats bugging me I think. I hope he's just having an adventure!!